Doctor’s Appointment and Band Contest

First, the doctor’s appointment…I had a doctor’s appointment on Thursday with Dr. C and he doesn’t want me to come back for another YEAR. I thought he would release me, so I made him a card with a drawing of my spine on it.

I got to see E again (she used to be Dr. C’s assistant). We told her about this blog and she said she could give it to patients. She said that there were some kids who were FREAKING OUT about their upcoming surgeries, and that they could read it. I hope that some kids and teenagers like me read about my experiences get an idea of what they will go through.

Anyway, band contest. Last night I wasn’t feeling so good, and I got sick. Last year I couldn’t ride the buses with my friends to contest, and I had been looking forward to it. So when I got sick last night, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to go to contest today. Mom said I could go if I wasn’t up all night getting sick and I felt better in the morning. I felt better this morning (I felt achy and weak though) and I went. I ended up not feeling that great, but I powered through it and ignored the nausea. It was hard to keep my 4-measure breath phrasing stuff going, especially on the loud pieces, but I did what I could (I took some breaths where I shouldn’t have, but I don’t think it was noticed).

I think it was worth powering through the nausea and breathlessness, since we got gold!! It didn’t make me feel better, in fact, I was more tired after the contest than before, but it felt good to get gold.

We were a half a point away from gold with distinction (the highest level, then gold, silver, bronze, and participation), just like last year. Last year we got gold as well, half a point away from distinction.

Titanium Girl 😀