High School Registration

It’s crazy that we are already registering for high school. At this time just two years ago, I wasn’t even back to school yet (I was almost back). I’ve picked my classes and gotten them approved and everything. I chose Algebra II Honors, Biology Honors, English 9 Honors, Spanish II, Band (of course!), Journalism, and a couple one-semester classes that I’m going to get out of the way freshman year. I’m doing the IB (International Baccalaureate) program, which is Junior/Senior year. It’s a super hard course for the IB Diploma, but it looks great on college apps and I think it’s managable.

In band I’m working on a solo and an ensemble for the solo/ensemble in less than a month (!!!). My ensemble group is the same as last year, my clarinetist friend D and R, my flutist friend who is in my Girl Scout troop and also has scoli.

For Girl Scouts, there’s something called a Gold Award (Girl Scout equivalent of a Boy Scout Eagle Project) that can get college scholarships and is a great community service project. I’m already thinking of what to do, but I know I want it to involve awareness about scoliosis. While my case is rare, there are more people who have it than it seems. Most of the girls in my Girl Scout troop have it. G has it, as well as L, R, S, M, and me. Only a couple of them don’t.

No one should have to have scoliosis, but unfortunately they’ve stopped screening for it in schools in lots of places. I’m hoping that I could change that with my Gold Award (I can’t start working on it until next year) and make sure the people in our community have a lower chance of it getting to my case (even my current one, it’s still 35/41!).

Anyway, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to update TG in awhile. I kind of feel like it doesn’t need to be updated super often anymore since it’s not like I’m recovering anymore. The next time I update, I’m hoping it’ll be for seating (we haven’t taken it yet so it’ll be awhile) or Solo/Ensemble or ISSMA.

Titanium Girl 😀