I Just Realized

Hey everyone! 

So I realized today that I am over 14 months post op. WHAT?! How did this happen already?  It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since my surgeries…

So you’ve probably noticed the change here…we redid the colors and formatting last night. I chose gray for titanium and blue because I liked the blue and it’s my favorite. Soon, probably this week, there should be a new picture at the top that a friend drew me. Her name is Stephanie Powell and she drew one for another friend of hers, Lauryn. Mom found it, contacted her, and we’ve been pen-pals for awhile now (Stephanie, not Lauryn. I haven’t talked to Lauryn yet). She even drew me one! Thank you, Stephanie!

Anyway, I hope you like the new changes! I wasn’t present to make the blog at first, to format it and stuff, so we redid it to my liking. 


-Titanium Girl 😀