8th Grade School Year!!

This year I will be going into eighth grade! It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since I was going into sixth grade and dealing with my newly found scoliosis. It’s also hard to believe that I will be doing my fourth year of band this year, and next year I go to the high school and have to do marching band. I remember when I was going into fifth grade, I was trying to decide to do band, orchestra, choir, or general (general refers to a general music, art, PE, and health rotation) and eventually chose band and I’ve been there for FOUR YEARS now.

Anyway, I’m a little nervous…it’s the same go to class, bell rings after fifty minutes, four minutes to get to the next one, rinse and repeat schedule but I don’t know any of the teachers except for an English teacher who is my friend K’s mom (K plays Bass Clarinet in band, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned him). Last year, at least, I knew my geography teacher Mrs. B (she’s AWESOME!) and who would’ve been my English teacher, Mrs. M. I’m also worried about workload. Obviously it should be similar to last year, but since we go to high school next year (how am I that old already?!) I assume they’ll be prepping us to get a high school workload. My backpack has already been heavy lately, I really don’t want it to be any heavier. Next year, when we get to high school, we get iPads to replace our textbooks, which gets rid of some of the weight of the books. Unfortunately, I know that studies have shown you retain more of your notes if you hand-write into a notebook (or some other form of paper) instead of type them into a laptop or tablet. I will always write my notes into a notebook as well as put them into the device they want me to use.

This school year I will be two years post operation…I feel like it hasn’t been that long, but it certainly has. I hope that I can keep my first chair position streak like last year (I was first chair every test last year).

Again, thanks to everyone who has read the blog (either for the entire time it’s been up or just for a little bit, however long you’ve supported it is great and appreciated!). I really hope that this blog can be supportive to someone who is about to go through what I went through, or is having a tough time. I know that I haven’t really written about my scoliosis in awhile (it’s mainly just been my normal life now) but it’s only because there isn’t much else for me to say since the issue is pretty much as resolved as it can be. For doctor’s appointments I will post about it, and stuff like that but it’s not like there’s progress I am making at this point, except growing in my legs which I have done! I went to the doctor and I am now five foot three and three quarters of an inch! I had been five two when surgery was done, and then I was five two and a half but I have grown an inch and a quarter since my last measurement.

Continue to look for updates about school soon as I will probably post after school starts. Unfortunately, I won’t post much during the school year unless there’s an update and I can find some time. Schoolwork takes a lot of time and hopefully I can find some spare time that I can update everyone.

-Titanium Girl 😀