Big Update

When I got on my phone this morning, it said “first surgery anniversary, tomorrow.” I was kind of blown away that it’s pretty much already been two years. I don’t know how that’s possible! Monday will be the second surgery, and Thursday will be the third.

Anyway, I’m sorry I haven’t been able to post much lately! The last time I posted was August, I believe. I’ll update you now! I had just gotten my seating and then school started ramping up (with tons of homework, a few projects here and there, books to read, etc). By then we had fall break, and we went on vacation from the first to the fifth of October. Fall break sped by and then school started again. We got word of something in band that I had been waiting very nervously for all break (more on that in a different paragraph…..), then we were busy over the weekend, and I never got around to posting.

So what I have not explained is a very important band for really good players in seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. I was given an invitation by Mr. T back in September and I immediately applied. We were supposed to know if we had gotten in or not by fall break, but that got pushed back to during fall break, which got pushed to the day we came back. I had been patiently (not!) waiting to see if I had gotten in (I jumped every time a phone call came through the last few days of fall break). My 7th grade friend C (trumpet, she’s so good she got into our 8th grade band!) also applied and we texted each other over break, eagerly waiting. On Monday (the day we got back) I sat through Geometry first period and US History second very anxiously waiting for band third period to see if I had gotten in. They stalled, showing the video of the high school’s marching band (some eighth graders were invited to the marching band a year early) and then it seemed like they just kept talking about how well it went and such. Finally, Mr. Y and Mr. T stopped talking about it and Mr. T got a paper and a stack of sheets. He stood up on the podium and stated that he was going to announce who had gotten in. First he said my friend E’s name (bassoon), then me (!!!!!!!!!), then a bunch of other really good players (including C!) J hadn’t signed up, in fact he had called me and C (second chair clarinet who happens to be in seventh grade, not C the seventh grade trumpet player) crazy for bothering to sign up. C didn’t get in but I assume there were only so many people who could be taken.

We had two practices this week for just the kids from my school and the high school, one Monday and one yesterday (Wednesday). The actual rehearsal is Saturday and the concert is Sunday. There’s already eight pieces (we literally got another one today during band) and at this point it’s a little worrying. But I know I’ll do fine.

-Titanium Girl 😀