
For the first time in 12 days, the family is all home together. Whew.

Now we get to go back to the way things were, right?

We’re on to the next phase of things… figuring out what “normal” is going to be, at least for a little while.

TG realized her preferred means of logrolling off the bed will be to roll to her left, since the rib on her right side bothers her more. So, we needed flip TG’s bed around so her feet are against the wall, and her head is at the foot of the bed. The alternative would be to rearrange her entire bedroom which, well, that’s just not going to happen quickly.

We’re also expecting she’s going to crash on the couch in the living room from time to time. We’re probably going to need to rearrange the room a bit to make things easier for her for a couple weeks.

We’re also sorting out when she needs to take her meds throughout the day to keep her pain under constant control. One med is every 6 hours, another is every 4 hours, and a third is every 4 hours, but with a max of 5 doses in a 24 hour period. Because the KISS principle is for sissies.

DS and TG were a little upset earlier this evening. They decided they wanted to play Minecraft together… right before DS needed to be heading to bed. TG may not have school tomorrow, but life is moving on as normal for DS. Neither of them liked that, but… oh well.

The cat was most confused when TG arrived home this afternoon. After two weeks of wondering where everybody was, she was somewhat aloof… possibly because her person smelled different. She warmed up quickly enough, and spent a good deal of time curled up on a pillow on TG’s bed. She came out for a good long cuddle with daddy, and she seems like she’s settling back in.

Tomorrow: time to pull the house back together, get a bunch of stuff moved around, do some shopping. I’ll be back in the office for the first time in a couple weeks. Boy child will get on the bus in the morning, and we’ll all start moving on with our lives.

But for tonight, we’re all home. DS is in bed, I’m watching Sunday Night Football on the couch, and DW and TG are in the other room hanging out. And even if things aren’t completely what they once were, it’s a good sight better than having the family split in between two places.

And I’m glad for that.