Holiday Weekend

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is when my mother’s side of the family has a get-together, and initially I’d thought Titanium Girl would be up to going to it this year.  But given how wiped out she was after Thanksgiving, and knowing the A. Family get-together was at a restaurant where Titanium Girl might not be able to sit or stand comfortably for very long, DH offered to stay home with Titanium Girl while Boy Child and I went to the reunion.  Titanium Girl didn’t like this plan, thinking she’d be lonely with DH dozing between her medication times, so she talked her brother into staying home with her.

I went to the shindig, which was a bit of a nice break completely on my own, especially since I didn’t get to go last year.  I caught up with far-flung relatives and showed off the amazing before and after picture of Titanium Girl’s spine.  They sent me home with fried chicken and pumpkin pie for the kids, which worked out great for dinner.  On the way home I picked up some coffee shop drinks for the kids.  Titanium Girl was in better spirits and proceeded to drink most of her drink in pretty quick order.  She told me she can now get into bed without any help–score!  Getting up is still a challenge, but progress is progress.

The mail brought a card from our friends the H. Family, with personal notes that made Titanium Girl Smile.  It also brought a giant envelope full of cards that was truly overwhelming.  A high school friend of mine, C., had asked if her kids could send Titanium Girl some cards they’d made her, and I said absolutely!  What I wasn’t expecting was cards from her kids to both Titanium Girl and Boy Child, as well as cards from an entire 3rd grade class at C’s kids’ school.  There’s a banner for Titanium Girl to hang up; letters and cards asking her all kinds of questions about things she likes; pictures; and wishes for her to get better.  All this from kids hundreds of miles away who don’t even know Titanium Girl, only heard about her from a classmate who herself only knows of Titanium Girl because her mom and I went to school together.  It was really humbling to see such an outpouring of well wishes springing from that place of pure kindness that exists in young children. Titanium Girl will definitely have lots of thank you notes to write!

Saturday after Thanksgiving is also an informal get together in the evening at my Uncle D.’s, though we don’t often get to go.  However, the timing was looking good, and with a nap under her belt and Titanium Girl’s spirits much improved, I suggested she go with her brother and me and let DH have a break, especially since the out-of-state cousins would be there only one last night.  She was feeling pretty good and initially agreed, but closer to the time to leave, her stomach started feeling “off”, so she decided to stay home.  Boy Child and I enjoyed the visit with everyone, but I couldn’t help thinking that I’m going to have to push Titanium Girl some to get her seeing people, especially her friends, and to get her walking more than she currently is.  It’s been harder with it being the holiday weekend, but she seems to wave off visits too easily, and I think being around people would be good medicine for her now…

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DW = "Dear Wife" or "Darling Wife". Wife to DH ("Dear Husband" or "Darling Husband"), and mom to Titanium Girl and Boy Child. We're fairly private people; our identities aren't important, but the story is. Many schools no longer screen for scoliosis, and some doctors don't because they think the schools still do. Because of this, scoliosis isn't on most people's radars. We encourage parents to learn the signs of scoliosis and to check their children as they grow so hopefully any issues can be found early when treatment is easier and more likely to be successful.