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Titanium Girl’s friend G. visited her yesterday after school; the two haven’t seen each other since Titanium Girl was only just starting to walk after the third surgery.  At that point, it was difficult to stand up fully straight, and while this is still a bit of an issue, especially with the leg length difference and her muscles not yet at full strength, she’s definitely standing up straighter (and taller!) than she was the last time G. saw her.  It struck me how much taller Titanium Girl is now than she used to be.  G. is fairly tall, and before the surgeries, she was noticeably taller than Titanium Girl.  Now the girls are fairly close in height.  We still don’t know her new official height yet and won’t until her follow-up on Dec 17, but the difference is obvious.  Oddly enough, her hospital discharge paperwork listed a height that was taller than her height at admission, but I don’t recall her being measured after the last surgery, so I’m not sure where that came from. Regardless, the girls sat and had a nice little chat and visit together.  Eventually Titanium Girl had to lie on the couch because her back was bothering her, but it was definitely good for her to have interaction with a friend.

After G. left, I gave Titanium Girl some homework Mr. F. had sent me for her.  She chose one of the sheets to work on, but had to work on it in bed because her back was hurting.  At the appointed time, she skyped with Mr. F. to go over some math and science, which again went well, though she had to lie down toward the end.  Ms. P. sent some things for her to work on for English and Social Studies, and I talked them over with Titanium Girl while she ate dinner.  She ate fairly well, then finished up her math paper before heading back to bed.

DH ran to the store, and while there, he got some protein shakes, a few other odds and ends that are favorites with the kids, and some eggnog, which Titanium Girl absolutely loves.  He figured high calorie egg nog might be a good option for her to pack some weight back on with, and I agreed.  She drank down a cup and a half immediately after he got home with it.  She drank a bit more later and had a couple slices of bread with butter as well; overall she ate a bit better yesterday, so I’m hoping that’s the beginning of a trend.

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DW = "Dear Wife" or "Darling Wife". Wife to DH ("Dear Husband" or "Darling Husband"), and mom to Titanium Girl and Boy Child. We're fairly private people; our identities aren't important, but the story is. Many schools no longer screen for scoliosis, and some doctors don't because they think the schools still do. Because of this, scoliosis isn't on most people's radars. We encourage parents to learn the signs of scoliosis and to check their children as they grow so hopefully any issues can be found early when treatment is easier and more likely to be successful.