Nightwatch #28: Setbacks

With recovery from anything, a setback or two is to be expected and is normal. It doesn’t make it any less annoying when they happen.

TG sneezed yesterday. Later in the day, she coughed.

Such simple things. She’s been coughing and productive, and it was all normal and healthy. The problem is, the sneeze was a doozy. (Or at least, so I heard.) So was the cough. Suddenly nerve endings which had calmed down were lit back on fire. Both of her sides have really been bothering her a lot for almost 24 hours now. Getting up is an adventure in pain… which is a double whammy, because she needs to get up and walk from time to time to keep her back muscles loose.

She had managed to go Friday and Saturday without any extra doses of pain meds, which was awesome. Sunday, she needed a couple extra, and today’s looking to be about the same.

So, time to take a breath, ease up on the schoolwork and clarinet, and just heal for a little bit.

TG really wanted to go attend her band concert tonight. I hope she feels a whole lot better in the next 12 hours and can make it, because it would be a big milestone for her. Here’s hoping for small miracles.