Acts of Kindness

The kindness and support of others continue to humble us.  Friend and fellow PTA trench warrior Miss A. dropped by out of the blue yesterday with some books and candy for Titanium Girl, just because.  College friends M. and J. sent a big box of goodies with fingernail polish, Hunger Games items, and a craft for Titanium Girl to work on.  F. and J., far flung friends of ours, made time to stop by while visiting family in the area, and despite telling them they need only bring themselves and their adorable kids, they brought a couple cakes as well (any attempt to maintain a reasonable diet lately is pretty well shot, but I don’t think I care!).   Then a package showed up randomly on our doorstep from high school friend M. and his wife T.  It had something for each of us: a Soft Kitty for Titanium Girl, Star Wars Lego set for Boy Child, USB powered (nerf) rocket launcher for DH, and a vintage Wonder Woman shirt for me (something I’d actually been secretly looking at recently since I love Wonder Woman).  Again, just because.  We’ve gotten home made cakes and soups and breads.  Titanium Girl has received cards and blankets and books and candy and crafts and all manner of things from friends and strangers alike.  Boy Child, too, hasn’t been left out.  We have never doubted the love and support of our friends and family, but the myriad ways people have shown that love and support over the past several weeks have been phenomenal.  Never doubt the impact that even the smallest acts of kindness can have on others….

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DW = "Dear Wife" or "Darling Wife". Wife to DH ("Dear Husband" or "Darling Husband"), and mom to Titanium Girl and Boy Child. We're fairly private people; our identities aren't important, but the story is. Many schools no longer screen for scoliosis, and some doctors don't because they think the schools still do. Because of this, scoliosis isn't on most people's radars. We encourage parents to learn the signs of scoliosis and to check their children as they grow so hopefully any issues can be found early when treatment is easier and more likely to be successful.