Seven Months

Oh my gosh… I’m so sorry I haven’t posted until now (it’s seriously been since JUNE FIFTH!)….

I really don’t know what to write, other than that I’m seven months post op (as of last week).

Since my Q/A day is this Saturday, I think I’m going to start collecting questions. Please send some questions in! (I can NEVER have too many questions…)

If I have to many, and my post is starting to get pretty long, I’m just going to make several parts.


So remember to send in your questions to Mom’s Facebook page (or for my friends and family, you can just email me!) I’ll be collecting these all week, and on Saturday, June 27th (National Scoliosis Awareness Day) I’ll post all of my answers (I hope I can get them all!!) Also, if you have any requests as of what you would like to see during the rest of National Scoliosis Awareness Month (or any other time), please send them to Mom through Facebook, or email me.

-Titanium Girl 😀