Happy Veteran’s Day! Happy “National-Getting-Revenge-On-Twisted-Spines Day!” (Don’t know if anyone remembers that, my brother came up with that one!)

Has it really been a year since my first surgery?

One year ago, I was put into surgery to help correct my scoliosis. While still almost to brace level, it was fixed pretty well. This treatment caused me four months of pain and agony. Then, finally, I became completely pain free. Sometimes, I still get random flares of rib pain (only in my right side, weirdly enough!) but they stop as soon as I exhale. Thank you to everyone for all of the support (and gifts, of course! the candy was one of my main 12 year old priorities, according to a post that was posted almost a year ago)! I really appreciate being supported 100% every day, through one of the most painful times of my life. If anyone wants to ask a question or two, please ask my mom or dad on social media and I’ll answer it through the blog or by telling Mom or Dad what to say back.

FYI: Just because I’m a year post operation now DOES NOT mean I won’t ever post again. November 17th will be a HUGE day for me and I will post then too. This Saturday the 14th as well. Thank you again to everyone for all of the support and love and hope! Thank you to all of my friends and family, as well as my parent’s friends, some of which I have never met or even knew about. Thank you to every one of my nurses and doctors and hospital workers and Child Life and PT J!

If you haven’t read the story on the first surgery, please check it out here: https://www.titaniumgirl.com/2014/11/11/first-surgery/ (sorry if it doesn’t make a hyperlink!) https://www.titaniumgirl.com/2014/11/11/surgery-1/ (this is by me).

If anyone has any questions or comments or thoughts, PLEASE share them with my parents over social media or anything else that you can! I want to know your questions so that I can answer them. I will NOT post them on this blog if you state that you don’t want me to.


-Titanium Girl 😀