Second Surgery- A Year

I’m a year post op for the second surgery now!!!!!

If you have read the post entitled “On The 17th of November…” you would know that it was posted the 11th and states that I am 11 months post operation. I wrote that back in October, Mom had just gotten around to posting it when she approved “WHAAAAAAAAAAT? A Year Already?” I’m sorry about that…………………..

Anyway, I got first chair clarinet again!!! I worked really hard for it, too. Previously third chair D got second, and previously second chair (we’re in a friendly rivalry) J got third. I felt really bad for him, and he was being really hard on himself!! I told him he needed to NOT be so hard on himself, since third chair is REALLY good! At the beginning of sixth grade last year, I was third chair. I was confused, since I thought I had done better, but I wasn’t super sad or hard on myself! As we were walking up the stairs to our algebra class (yes, I’m in algebra!), he proceeded to tell me that being hard on himself is how he succeeds. He said he had all A’s (he might have said A+’s, I can’t remember!) and that’s how he got them. He said he was really good at soccer and that’s why. Being a smart alec, I said, “I’m not hard on myself, and I get straight A’s! I’m not hard on myself and I’ve always been first, second, or third!” He said yeah and we continued to have our conversation. He doesn’t take his algebra stuff to band, so he had to run off to his locker to get it, while I brought it so that I could just walk into the algebra room.

Another thing: remember my friend R who has a back brace for scoliosis? She got first chair again, too!

The night that I posted my year post, someone commented on the “Thank you to everyone for all of the support (and gifts, of course! the candy was one of my main 12 year old priorities, according to a post that was posted almost a year ago)!” bit and said that it was funny that I “referred to candy as a priority of my “12 year old self” but at 13, I’m far more wise and past it.” I thought that was pretty funny.

On being a year post op now: I am a year post op now for my first and second surgeries! But what I’m really excited for is the 17th. Mom said she might buy me my own personal little cake to eat… I’m gonna put birthday candles on it and sing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RODS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Not really. I won’t do that…. Anyway, I will probably just eat the cake… like a normal human being… Unless my mom and dad REALLY want a funny home video or something…. I don’t know that I would want to do that, although if it can convince people to GET THEIR KIDS SCREENED FOR SCOLIOSIS SO THAT THEY DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE AGONIZING PAIN OF SURGERY, maybe I will. If it raises awareness then I will do it. Otherwise, my parents will have to make a funny home video for me to do it…


-Titanium Girl 😀