Solo/Ensemble Contest Results

Last night I was FREAKING out that I would mess up and get my group a silver or even a bronze (also there’s no gold with distinction for solo/ensemble, it’s only for the big band contest in the spring)…but, Dad told me that I should relax, that I don’t need to freak out because that’s what is going to mess me up.

During the warm-up this morning, I messed up a few times. My group didn’t hear the mistakes, because of all of the other people practicing loudly around us in the same room (R, D, & I all thought that we would have a private room to warm-up in, but nope……). So anyway, the last time we practiced before going to our performance room, we mastered it (another group had just left so it was a little quieter) and Mr. T came in to tell us to come to the performance room. Mr. T watched the performance along with our parents. Then we went into the hallway to wait for our results…R said “Now the agony of waiting.” Then a judge came out and handed Mr. T a card. He looked at it, gave us a look, and then turned it around. We saw a “G” in the corner. A GOLD!!!

We went to the table where we got our medals and they were so cool! They say “District Ensemble.”

We got gold!! Yay!!

-Titanium Girl 😀